Friday, February 27, 2009

Ibrahim Hussein Sketch

I've found this magazine called Tenggara,published in 1969, by the Dept. of English, University of Malaya,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. The editor is Ismail Hussein. It have essays, from names like Adibah amin, poems by Latiff Mohidin and several black and white sketches by Ib at the centrespread.


Percakapan Kanvas Kepada Pelukisnya
(Untuk A.Shukri Elias di Galeri Melor)

Ketika kau terlontar
Sepi dan asing
Ke daerah makna
Aku menjerit
'Penuhilah muka ini
dengan warna yang menyebar cahaya bianglala'

Engkau lebih mengenal
Lekuk dan lurah garis
Yang menimbul percik-percikan mimpi
Kata kata menjadi puisi
Lewat loncatan warna
Yang menyihir
Permukaan putih ini
Menjelma bahasa.
Memang ada getar
Pada sorot cahaya
Yang kau lakar
Adalah peta zaman
Kesenimananmu yang sentiasa teruji
Oleh detik sukar
Dan deraan derita

Memang aku pengundang ketakjuban
Di luar sana
Ada mata kekaguman
Terpegun oleh
Rentak irama
Alunan yang kau serakkan pada muka ku

Hanya sekelumit
Yang mengerti
Tentang kesengsaraan mengangkat makna
Dan kemanisan
Yang terkecap oleh
Kepuasan mencipta!
Percakapan sebenarnya
Lewat riak warna
Dan lincah garis.

Rositah Hj Ibrahim
Seri Gombak
(Berita Minggu 21.07.02)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

painting of the week

oil on canvas

Artist Zainal & Suhaimi come a visiting

Two of my best artist friends give me a visit today, Zainal and Suhaimi aka Mie Pak Lah. I have a slight touch of cold today., and cancelled my class at Uitm. Zainal is a prolific painter of the impressionist style with a strong essence of locality.Having quite a strong following eventhough started quite late because of his early involvement in advertising.
Mie pak Lah, loves anything Thai, An avid traveller an have covered quite a big portion of the globe, from Europe to India and the south east Asia. making Krabi Thailand his second home, Mpl is always the light for any gatherings among friends. Mpl works in a studio at Pj........ will post more about this two special friends of mine.

Rahime Harun . Al - Fatihah

Al Fatihah to the late Rahime Harun, A true friend to the Malaysian art, I've known him since the mid eighties, while he still have his gallery at Anak alam. He always have a strong believe in the malaysian art and its artist. Motivator to many successful artist. This is Arwah visiting us at the Colony during his tenure as the director of our National Art Gallery.
'Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat kepada rohmu' Amin.

Ajis, the diver

My friend Ajis is a diver. Ajis dive and paints underwater scene. He even paints in the diving pose to get the real feeling. His painting are sought after by many collectors. You've got to wait in line to have his works, at least a year, that too; if he would like to paint for you. You can visit Ajis at the Conlay Artist Colony..... Dive on bro.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ringgo, the musician who paints

Ringgo aka sham ahmad, a good friend of mine from the colony for ten years is away from malaysia since 2007. Ringgo an ex drummer from the defunct group "Fotograf", a popular boy band back in the eighties is now in Caracas.Ringgo started painting as an escape from the glamourous world of malaysian entertaintment. His works in acrylic are mostly of a bird's eye view of city scape of Kuala Lumpur. He is also well known for his KLCC images, sort of The 'Ken Done' of Malaysia. While enjoying the life of a painter at the colony, Ringgo still entertain his love for music by joining the colony's Kroncong group.
Ringgo's prolong stay in Caracas, is due to some circumstances that he himself cannot forsee. Knowing this mild mannered artist, I am sure that whatever has fallen onto him does not reflect the true person in him. Ringgo is at the wrong place at the wrong time and meeting the wrong people. We have been in constant touch through email and glad to know that he is taking things well, and are loved by many because of his nature and his musical talents.
We , his friends and family are praying to God that we will see him back soon. To Ringgo: Take care and 'banyak bersabar' All this must be a blessing in disguise. We miss you very much bro.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Jack from Denmark

This is my friend Johnny Jack Hansen, a painter from Denmark, he have been visiting K.L since 2002. This year is his fifth visit here to see his friends at the Artist Colony at Jalan Conlay.K.L

Jack stumble upon the colony accidentally in his first visit here. Before coming to Malaysia, he have no idea what this country is all about. Jack make friends with all the artist at the the colony and like any other art lover that come to the colony, he was attached to the calm atmosphere and the friendly warmth of the artist.
The kroncong group from the artist add the serene magical feeling, thus making Jack coming back to the colony from year to year.
He would spend at least a month stay in every visit, producing artworks and discovering more about Malaysia and its people.
Believing that he had discovered something interesting about this country, he bring back tales to his people which soon create an interest where not much is known about Malaysia. This resulted in Jack wishing that he could bring some of Malaysia to Denmark by organising a Malaysian exhibition there.... to be cont.

Friday, February 20, 2009

ibrahim hussein painting

ib's painting ( at the artist colony 2007). this painting is given to the late dr ariff back in the seventies while both of them are at um. it is an untitled acrylic on plywood signed 1979, it is brought by dr ariff to the colony to be framed. it is now in the hands of dr ariff daughter. Al Fatihah to both of them, ib and dr ariff.

Painting of the week

this is done at the colony in 2006.
Still Untitled

the artist colony

This is the artist colony at conlay, my studio,gallery and ' kampung' for the past decade. this place have given me a lot of insight about art and humanity. together with fellow brothers in art ie harris, samsuddin, maamor, ajis, nizar, we've gone through so many wonderfull moments together. left the colony last year