Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ASE gallery

Visit 'ASE gallery' at 'a.sukri elias' http//catmerah.blogspot.com ,
click my blog link.

Above: Utara 05. Oil on canvas


  1. assalamualikum lenong,awrite mate? baru lepaih jengok hang punya galeri..love jauh 02 ponder.. nice work..i think the eyes interpret the title of the painting,brilliantly,,make me ponder, heheheheh who is pondering,,, the artist,,the potrait or me? heheh like very much lenong ,,utang boleh?? i ponderrrr,,,,,

  2. Check out Lan Pulau's bolg at www.keranjiholidays.blogspot.com

    Guano demo Jing? Sehak ko?
